Eagles mate in flight and song

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Jupiter Rising in Trump: Mission Notes from the Edge of Time


Chapter two of the great human awakening heralded by Donald Trump begins and begs a question regarding astrological aspects of his first inauguration. Does celestial power granted during his first inauguration carry over till now? When one looks at our ribald president surviving two different assassination attempts, great cosmic forces must be at work.

Petrified, petulant, and pretentious observers could not then believe my pronouncement to be true. Perhaps repeating it here will rattle around in empty skulls like a radical charged  particle launched in the Large Hadron Collider waiting in effect to create a new element. If Trump had been inaugurated for his first presidential term say a couple thousand years ago under the same astrological sky, he would have been looked upon as a king of kings.

At the very moment of his first inauguration, readers should also be reminded that natal moon in Scorpio came to an astrological and spiritual power peak for yours truly. And so, our epic journey continues to save humanity from the dark abyss of extinction.

What should spiritual warriors look for during Trump presidential reign part two? Let us for fun look again at astrological aspects slated for inauguration #2.  We cannot hope to expect incredible astrological events similar to 2021. Still, 2025 inauguration skies for Trump are quite favorable then and for months to come.

Wherever Jupiter is in the sky, it shows us how our tendency to grow will express itself, and in the sign of “The Twins,” there’s a special emphasis on our collective growth in knowledge, social connection, and ability to adapt.

Saturn and Venus shall be conjunct with Neptune close enough to exert influence as well, all in the the sign of Pisces. Trump, a Gemini finds lucky lightning bolt carrying Jupiter cruising through his sign till June 2025. I conclude such aspects to mean our nation ready or not shall entertain issues deeply buried in the subconscious or covered up by religion and mainstream media. Coming to grips with the unsustainability of homosexuality is more than enough for modern humans to deal with today and well into a new future. Pornography, or more particularly prostitution must be brought to a forum where spiritually qualified minds can prepare it for broader consumer understanding. We expected some type of false flag operation regarding UFOs and now drones mystify our skies.

Expanded minds find it incredible how many people think the idea of  UFOs and higher intelligent life on other planets think just the way our military complex wants the populace to think on such concepts. They find it laughable. Of course we were also astounded by how many people fell so easily and quickly for scamdemic.


Dynamic consequences of discovering the sacred sisters creep ever closer to this suffering soul and threaten to enlarge powerful karmic emotional responsibilities and cosmic influences waiting for an evolutionary spark. There is an external mission and an internal mission which is of course personal. Sagittarian sisters encompass both facets of my mission. Notes on Sagittarian sisters can wait a bit as personal confessions seem long over due here. Remembering natal Scorpio moon sets the mood. 

Even to this day people I meet wonder at the way I talk. I am a black man but if you only heard my voice, you might think differently. Many people in such instances thought I was a white man. Those comments came often during my college radio days on KUNV. I speak properly and have had many people over the years ask why? I relate the story here for posterity.

Growing up as a child I was afflicted with a pathological speech impediment. Stuttering… I could barely speak. Try to imagine living your young life being laughed at by family, friends, and associates. I remember the tears. If I could thank public education for anything it would be specialized one on one help received from a speech pathologist somewhere around 4th grade. I literally learned to speak properly and slowly. Later I was pushed into broadcasting and acting which left dialects coming out of nowhere or from some past stage play long ago. Some artists soak up characters forever imbedded in personality.

So, now I stutter  nevermore but sometimes sound like a butler from Fresh Prince of Bellaire. Wonder like me if the same people who laughed and teased my stuttering as a child are the same ones who now ridicule my voice today sounding so proper and white? Since I am not down with contemporary slang, latest hip hop phrases, and ghetto-proud illiteracy, I am dubbed Uncle Tom. Wonder no more why I grew up a sceptic and atheist.  

Find a link to my voice in video narration below.


Gypsy man on a cosmic plan now operates in the great state of Texas. Actually stumbled into Houston for a while and tried to like it. No… Now calling Fort Worth home not particularly acting like a refugee. It is what I am here lonely in the Lone Star State. Probably just a coincidence but it could be as easily fate showing signs of positive change to a new future. Facebook or Meta now, vows not only to henceforth champion freedom by changing many censorship policies, firing liberal administrators, and moving a key office to Texas.

Perhaps as a show of good faith, Meta's trust and safety and content moderation teams will allegedly be moved from California to Texas so there is "less concern about the bias" of their teams. -BlazeMedia 

Finding myself here now shows signs of meaning. Several friends warned me of racism and red neckism prevalent in Texas. People who live here tell me the same. Yes, this certainly is a wild west state nestled next to a southern state of swamps. Just south we find river jumping Mexico, an invasion crisis. In the end, no state to a black man is perfect. Besides, my intent here is not to socialize but to internally spiritualize, to escape from medical tyranny. Medical tyranny, medical monopoly, Big Pharma... great monsters go by many names. Unfortunately, this monster finds a big percentge of world population on bended knee subservient and worshiping an out of focus enemy. Cloaked in phoney delusions of godhood, monsters chased many people out of California and into states more friendly to individual freedom. Fate brings a firestorm to Texas, birthplace of the  mega-church. 


Usually, I am inclined to lament deep suffering when doting on Sagittarian sisters but this time arrive in good spirits. Sara Silverman, some how, some way made no socially incendiary headlines during Trump’s campaign. My heart is all a flutter!  U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, made no political embarrassing headlines and suddenly feeling a cosmic pull toward her in New York. Totally unnerving...  such emotions are now recognized as a flipside of the mission, personal transgressions of my own needing work. While Alyssa Milano, code name Firestorm Alpha made social network headlines, one can see it as a positive. Great spirits believe her to be most likely first to spiritually awaken. Continued confrontations can only serve to pave her way to ultimate enlightenment.

While logic sees sacred sisters awakening in another lifetime, we now walk a new path where all things become possible. Imagine greater.

Please, say a little prayer for sacred sisters of Sagittarius. Spiritual awakening is a painful process. Terrible tears become building blocks to a new and better humanity finally as one with a wonderful universe.


Almost four years now since my last transmission. Books soon to get final rewrites. Conspiracy theorists proved to be right especially about COVID and readers can understand some of my disappointment with Trump regarding this matter. Still, that was then and we continue to grow and discover. Somewhere in previous writings, most probably in my current book, I mention something about humanity needing to be culled. So then, why be disappointed in Trump and the millions of deaths he helped sponsor? Force of habit response… 

To date, since Trump forced the FDA to approve these vaccines in 2020, there have been over 1.6 million injuries and death s reported to VAERS, with over 38,000 of those reports being deaths.The U.S. Government’s own studies have found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries a nd deaths are actually reported to VAERS. (Source.)That would equate to over 160 million injuries and over 3.8 million deaths from Trump’s COVID shots.


Bill Gates, that great champion of depopulation says humans need a new religion to deal with our new age realities. Creating a new religion does appear to be what fate wants from yours truly. Fate needs to call a little louder. At least one Sagittarian sister would have to awaken to help foster a new religion. Let us hope fate steps in and takes a hand. Until then, consider Gates the contemporary father of Foresight. 

Close to seven decades on this little green planet and I never imagined a life so long. Really thought death would come a calling before 55. Still living so now I have to deal with it. Maybe I will do live mission reports on a future podcast or wax philosophically on current events. Needing a free spirit partner... send in your resume of videos. Fate will sort them.

Transmission closing soon and perhaps it will be another 4 years for the next report. Let spirits guide and protect my mission. Fate from time to time sends a lovely soulmate to tantalize my dreams for a moment and quiet echoes of loneliness bouncing off the walls. Like ships passing in the night, it is a fleeting rendezvous perhaps never to be permanent. Women so rare live on the edge of society and should not be expected to fall for the passion of poetry.


Jupiter in Gemini

Planetary Alignments and Donald Trump

Marilyn Monroe Mural Mystique