Although the Catholic Church originally
accepted and then ultimately outlawed astrology, the Bible remains filled with
astrological symbolism. Neither science
nor the church has been able to interpret these symbols…
―An Astrology Primer for the Millions, by Carl Payne Tobey
"Of all secret lore, sex magic has been
reputed through the centuries to be the most dangerous. Today we know that this attitude was largely
a reflection of the hostility towards the flesh held by omnipotent
Christianity, but this is not the whole answer.
Sex magic, like magic in general, is no more dangerous than driving a car."
"A major theme
symbolized by the planet Chiron is the reconciliation and healing of the
fundamental split between the spiritual and the instinctual in ourselves; this
in turn serves as a prototype of the many other pairs of opposites which live
within the psyche.”
"Whether we like it or not we are advocating a return to a spiritual way of life, one that puts spirit energy back into the materialist equation -- and this threatens the whole power base of materialist science which is at present the ruling dogma."
—Where Science and Magic Meet,
—John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State under President Dwight D.
Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959.
What if I told you I am sent to rescue the
Earth Goddess from hostile beings masquerading as humans? Put another way; I am sent here to prevent
species extinction. Hillary Clinton is to play some role in this matter as positive or negative role model. Either way she is key to a
prescribed Matriarch Society and eventual salvation of humanity leading to a Utopian world greater than that dreamed of by Ayn Rand. How it plays out I
do not know. Imagination has written an
ending fueled by divine femininity. Time is a factor as the point of
no return nears. World governments and those supporting them are already too late to stop a Spiritual
Warrior apocalypse for earth parasites as a way is
cleared for Beauty.
Cosmic Transference; The link between epistemology and metaphysics and the bridge between reason and spirituality found.
Enlightenment; The great Mystic leaders are reviewed… well, three of them anyway.
Ending the War Against Women; Ball of fire eBook to the ‘Matriarch Society’
Raising Ignorance to a Virtue; The age of ignorance is coming to an end post of fire.
―An Astrology Primer for the Millions, by Carl Payne Tobey
Consider for a moment the strange aberration of
some of the academic elite of our society in their refusal to accept the existence
of Spirit or spirits. The evidence of
archaeology and anthropology shows that all cultures from the beginning of
recorded history and probably before, and in every part of the globe, have
believed in spirits. It is only in the
last three centuries, since the Inquisition and witch trials, that there has
been a growing lack of belief.
The relations of poetry are … very close to the relations of science.
It is not a matter of using the results of science, but of seeing that there is
a meeting-place between all the kinds of imagination. Poetry can provide that
—The Life of Poetry, by Muriel Rukeyser
—Secrets of Western Sex
Magic, by Frater U*D*
"When I look at history, I see how women have been persecuted and
nowhere is this more clear than in the witch hunts. In the witch trials it was primarily women
who were incriminated as wrongdoers. I
feel that this was an attempt by the Church to divest women of whatever
remaining dignity and self-respect they had, and to make them totally
subservient and enslaved to men."
—Where Science and Magic
by Serena Roney Dougal, PhD
It is hardly surprising
that the primal power of sexuality has attracted mankind's interest throughout
the ages. It has been openly or secretly
feared and adored, worshipped and condemned, tended and suppressed. Our current attitudes towards it are
basically no different from those of our prehistoric ancestors. Despite of all the relevant research,
sexuality remains a mystery to us, a book with seven seals, both fascinating
and frightening.
—Secrets of Western Sex
Magic, by Frater U*D*
"Throughout time, from a Wiccan
perspective, saviors, redeemers, prophets, poets, and saints have suddenly
glimpsed a part of the grand cosmic mystery that is Deity. Some shard or drop of the truth of divinity
fills their soul with enlightenment, and from this state of Divine rapture,
they are compelled to try to relate to others what they have seen."
—Wicca Demystified, by Bryan Lankford
The Hierarchy of
Sagittarius is comprised of the Lords of Mind.
They contact our planet by means of the World of Concrete Thought, which
division of the sprit realms is designated as the Second Heaven. Early in human evolution the Lords of Mind
radiated from themselves the shining essence containing the seed of the human
mind. In other words, these great Beings
bestowed upon man the priceless gift which lifts him above the animal kingdom
and opens a way whereby he may become as a god.”
—The Cosmic Harp, by Corinne Heline
“By the time most of the Hellenic myths were
formulated by Hesiod and Homer, around 750 BC, this split was already becoming
institutionalized, as patriarchal social and religious forms replaced their
earlier matriarchal counterparts. Before
this time, in the areas now comprising Europe and the Near East, the Great
Mother was worshipped in a multitude of different forms. Being synonymous with fertility and the
instinctual life, the suppression of her worship meant the feminine in general
became devalued; with the advent of Christianity, the world of the senses was
relegated to the realm of the Devil, the enemy of God."
—Chiron and the Healing Journey:
An Astrological and
Psychological Perspective, by Melanie Reinhart
you've been issued the Lewis and Clark meets Dudley Do-Right of spiritual
agendas, otherwise known as a Sagittarian degree, and otherwise earned by being
able to question the unanswered and explore the unknown while discovering the
truth and saving the day."
—Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contract
This is a vitally important work because a highly
trained but unillumined materialistic mind is the most sinister force in the
world at the present time. St. Paul
aptly termed it "the power of darkness." Such minds are being used by the Black Forces
as their most responsive instruments for bringing about chaos, dissolution and
the eventual destruction of the entire earthly realm. This is the crisis now confronting humanity.
—The Cosmic Harp, by Corinne Heline

—Where Science and Magic Meet,
by Serena Roney Dougal, PhD
No one will ever characterize Uranus as subtle. This is the planet
that coaxes erratic and bizarre behavior and byzantine schemes. A bohemian,
utopian society is more in keeping with Uranus's bent, as are humanitarian
ideals. Freedom and creativity are important to this planet; Astrology is also
within its realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and
often unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and other natural disasters.
--Uranus: Planet of Rebellion, by
—Alan Kenneth Paine
"My word shall not return unto me void, but
it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I sent it."
…Isaiah 55:11
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Raising Ignorance to a Virtue; The age of ignorance is coming to an end post of fire.
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