Mission Notes from the Edge of Time
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Photo by Parakit Keng Eos: |
Nine Inspirations under crowns of laurel,
Showering secrets from above.
Whisper wisdom by light of the moon—
Touch softly the soul of my Love.
Dear Diary,
Forgive me for ignoring you these past two years. Just when I wanted out, fate pulls me back into the human predicament. Perhaps it was wishful thinking sometime ago wanting this blog ended and yours truly onto a different life. It appears we may rest from time to time along our path to the spiritual mountain top, but we can never really stop. One does not commune with hummingbirds and then go on to a simple life. Hoisted by your own petard, we must continue in spiritual ascension enlightening and saving souls as fate commands.
While cause for hope springs forth here and there, darkness weighs heavily over this wanton world well before the golden dawn. True to gypsy man way of life, I find myself back once again where rat packs and a glitter gulch were born. Plans ask for a brief stay under neon lights after living over two years in humid Houston. Plans like a petulant young goddess are fickle bending with forceful wind.
Stepping away from the edge of time briefly, I actually voted for the first time in Texas. Texas along with Florida and perhaps a few other states in America remain as last bastions of freedom perhaps in the entire world. Most all other states in America are now mired in corporate marxism where science poses as a new god.
Two years of very limited intellectual and artistic activity spur urges to create. Lately, my mind wanders to rewriting the book that launched this journey and starting a new book that will finish it. Rewriting Dawning of the Matriarch Society should be an illuminating project. Still, starting this new book almost defies spiritual superlatives. New concepts sparking new terms, perhaps philosophical building blocks for a new cultural paradigm, my next book begs for a writing partner.
Early years spent on dating sites I remember going quite well. Then again, most of my early life before enlightenment can be described as lucky with women. Comparatively, I have led an enviable love life as enforced by different male friend conversations over the years. Alas, seems a distant past here in my senior years. Driving forces then centered solely around hormonal dictates. Seems appropriate now that my desires for a companion center around intellect and spirituality. Physical attractions were vastly easier seemingly just yesterday. Today, dating sites offer the boring, detectives, or scared kittens.
Driving now for a ride share company, I meet many women. Very often we have wonderful, funny, or even deep conversations. Such women are usually over 30 years younger than the author. Cannot find one woman on any dating site with a conversation going beyond, bowling, traveling, Christian religion, and spending time with my family. Is this a sign of the times or my age?
Wondering now has anyone written a blog post that was clarion call for a date? This is not that blog. I am wanting a companion who inspires my writing. Such inspiration can come in many forms. Romance is unimportant. Intellect, the capacity to comprehend new ideas and impulsively ask questions. To be such a companion, to spend considerable time together united by the same goal, positive emotions must be present. We must enjoy each others company for whatever reasons. There is a prominent psychiatrist who acknowledges loving emotions for patients and that such emotions between therapist and patient are natural and should be acknowledged. So then, my companion must have the capacity for love whether that love is romantic or platonic. A successful relationship in this endeavor cannot begin without the capacity for flourishing positive emotion between the two of us as would be inevitable in a close working relationship.
A brief description of my new book is in order. Only a few great mystics through the ages knew about a cosmic like force within the female species. I believe we see this concept in the idea of harems and this phenomena is also mentioned pragmatically in The Book of Mormon religion. I believe to be the first in giving this phenomena happening between men and women a name. I call this phenomena sporadically occurring on a cosmic level between men and women, the Heterosexual Nexus.
So then, one might say we depart on a sacred journey to study love on the ethereal plane. Our relationship, whether platonic or romantic must be included in some chapter of the book. Great romance and passion in my young past built a Poet. Paradoxically, I have never known intellectual or spiritual love and connection. Fate taunts me with such love only in passing like ships in the night. I know she is there. Seems never to be our time.
Our wonderful universe ordains this book and I would never believe it is to be written without direct aid of an earth goddess. A great void exists on dating sites for freethinkers. So, I go to the blogosphere and virtual space to find a woman among women. Poet seeks someone unknowing of her magic, someone with deep thoughts, someone looking for higher destiny. Writers would be good for this collaboration but the capacity for love and higher thinking remain key. Qualifications appear more subjective, spiritual and intellectual. Back in the day, I never cared about the religion of my girlfriends. Same remains true for this… partnership. Really need someone to bounce new ideas off who owns an internal sounding board. Looking for a rare breed, someone looking for a spiritual adventure.
Successful partner in this endeavor shall be given co-writer credits and copyrights regardless of any literary contribution at publication. Further remunerations negotiable. Living in Las Vegas now, but this probably is not my final destination. I anticipate beginning research in one year so we have plenty of time to discuss all concepts, and associated matriarch society. Minimum time we need to spend together during the entire project estimated to be three months. All other contact can be virtual and cell phones. Please, send resume or cover letter with subject heading;
Heterosexual Nexus
Cosmic Transference; The Heterosexual Nexus
Saving Lady Liberals Under Natal Venus