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Northern Minnesota writer's dream cabin |
Strange and getting stranger universe often wants to show me extremes, or perhaps I bring it. In any event, my arrival to the land of Vikings was met by a record October snowfall in state history. My first winter in New York some years ago produced the most snowfall in 18 years. Trips to Vegas often coincide with prolific heatwaves. Lastly, California said goodbye following one of the driest years for rain since 1877. Wondering now if this extreme existential meteorological connection has something to do with my rising planet, Uranus or ruling planet, Jupiter, Roman god of the sky.
Uranus is named after Ouranos, the Greek god of the heavens who, with Gaia, his mother/sister, created the manifest universe of sky and earth. His name means ‘rainmaker’ and he’s associated with thunder, rain, and lightning
–Jessica Davidson
Unprecedented presidential election precedes as predicted by many; corruption challenged in court. Voter and election fraud, try to delegitimize Donald Trump's eventual win, create a strawman of reasons for chaos and more improper impeachment to remove the people's president by any means necessary. America needs to see high level arrests starting with treason and insurrection soon.
Conspiracy theorists represent an intellectual equivalent of the spiritually awakened I should think. Uncovering new knowledge destroying long-held beliefs awakens new thinking. New thinking produces a different view of our world and ourselves. We evolve. Governments and elite individuals invested heavily in controlling and exploiting citizens do not wish to see them evolve. Discredit, demonize, dehumanizing the opposition appears now to be standard tactics for purveyors of the status quo. As humanity continues awakening to shadow governments, pedophile elites, and higher consciousness, conspiracy theorists look like cultural frontiersmen and women, unsung heroes of intelligence and information.
Evidence strongly suggests humanity spiritually devolving since the advent of predestination. Recent events; the Q-WWG1WGA movement, growing number of high level satanic pedophile arrests, and heinous actions by Democrat governors and other such politicians only underscore the belief that humanity up until this point spirals downward spiritually. Major religions of the world failed humanity it can easily be argued and are now replaced by psychologists, doctors, and scientists. Are we not thrown from the pan into the fire?
COVID-19 or Scamdemic as it is often referred to by conspiracy theorists, exposes a controlling majority of the medical profession including Big Pharm as unconscionable human monsters. Committing and facilitating incredible fraud upon humanity causing great financial ruin, disease and death for the purpose of tighter control. As we move and fight through darkness on to a brighter future, there will be little distinction between doctors and scientists. Humanity must never look at the medical profession in the same way after shamdemic. Scientists, including big techsters generally align themselves with the medical monopoly and liberalism, destroyer of spirit.
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
from, Richard III
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
from, Richard III
We must see new laws protecting humanity from doctors and scientists. Individuals, groups, institutions and corporations must be held accountable for facilitating false data and general fraud that causes suffering and death to humanity. Penalties must include severe prison time and death as deterrents for heinous crimes against humanity.
What about fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity? Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation, as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and WHO, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud.
-COVID Crimes Against Humanity
Why a career in science and liberalism leads very often to spiritual impotence reveals a multi-faceted subject unto itself belonging in another blog. What's a spiritual warrior to do? Should we tell parents, don't let your babies grow up to be doctors, scientists, or computer programmers? No easy answers offered here to deep complex social issues plaguing humanity. Only a complete over-haul of government can address such complex socio-economic issues and we see seeds to a new government planted under the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
Puppet masters, elite pedophiles, human sheep herders seemingly controlling our world for time unknown do not want an awakened populace. They want more control. It explains intense hatred for President Trump and non-stop attempts to malign, undermine, and stop his presidential reign of freedom by enemies who control nearly all mainstream media on all venues. Since the election of Trump, mainstream liberal media has portrayed and encouraged a bizarro world where creeps are cool and criminals are defined by intent. Now, globalists or leftists wish to force upon humanity a new normal of bizarre masked slavery under a constant social umbrella of fear. Humanity awakens and revolts.
America slowly awakens to a strange new universe where humans are just one species of thousands. One should ask why a majority of alien or extraterrestrial films condition us to fear our cosmological kin? More movies portray humanity fighting invaders from space than peaceful confrontations benefitting our expanding universe. Believe a significant percentage of Hollywood slant against extraterrestrials comes by design.

One supposes that like humans, there are benevolent reptilian humanoids and evil ones who wish us harm. Perhaps malevolent reptilians see us as a food source. Credible rumors suggest nefarious shadow government within America gets help from extraterrestrial reptilians. Recent information concerning elite satanic pedophiles only adds support to notions our CIA sleeps with monsters.
Below you will find incredible pictures of ancient wall carvings depicting grisly reptilian commerce. Could it be the product of an imaginative artist?

Very often, I cannot find the source for photos used here and this is one of those frustrating times. Nevertheless, given what the world has seen since the election of Trump, we begin to believe the unbelievable. Could such carvings depict an earth reality from a time unknown? True history of humanity and our planet remains a guarded secret enforced by purveyors of the status-quo maintaining control of sheep at any cost. Notice in the lower complete photo how humans are employed to help with production of an ancient Soylent Green.

Recent Q-anon intel exposes enemies as devoted heavily to symbolism and as of late the pedo-cabal becomes brazen. Ovid strays not far from ovis, latin for sheep. Symbolism seems to have always been there right in the open. Human monsters and mainstream media they own no longer need to hide in the dark thanks to incredible human sheep, some of whom become defenders and even enforcers of slavery and depravity. Welcome to an underworld where pizza does not mean what you think.
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Look for this blood ring to identify satanic-pedos. |
Institutional perversion involves elites and famous celebrities on an incredible global scale. Your average, Josephine does not want to hear such truth. Raised on lies and disinformation, sublime ignorance takes away pain of an empty meaningless existence. Awakening, becoming aware of reality behind a prescribed reality, a malicious perverted reality shocking to the core, evokes scenes from The Matrix where art imitated reality. Hollywood, mainstream media of all venues becomes a virtual plug to the cortex feeding a sleeping biological power source prescribed delusions.
Awful truth about royals caught by tourist on video.
Sadly, it would appear awakening to our spiritual nature and purpose seems even more painful to lost souls. Truth be a double edged dagger cutting and healing, a fabled paradox feared and treasured, a firestorm destroying deadwood for new vibrant life. Kicking and screaming up an evolutionary ladder, humanity separates itself between awakened souls and those humans rendering themselves extinct by avoiding or trying to dictate truth, the life blood of awakening. There can be only one type of soul upon this planet each searching for spiritual ascension along non-linear parallel lines.
The truth is out there.
Fate now brings this Poet back to Colorado for a time to be determined. Our universe often seems to have a sense of humor and the rumor about those malevolent extraterrestrial reptilians goes on to say they are kept in super secret bunkers under the Rocky Mountains.