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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez disrespected in D.C. |
Let us frame this matter in the appropriate background. One of the many funny episodes of the classic TV comedy, Seinfeld often included, George Costanza getting caught in an elaborate lie and then continuing with another life-altering lie to cover for the first lie against facts of reality out of pure spite. It all sounds crazy but Seinfeld characters were regularly able to pull off such insanity inducing roaring laughter. This is rather the fix liberals find themselves in and America is not laughing with them.
Submitted for your consideration are just a couple of a growing list of quotes from the new darling of the Democrat Party. Decipher, decode, discover, if you will the audacity of hope when it lacks powers of reason and the ability for self-examination.
I think that politically, this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class doesn’t exist anymore in America, and thanks to the continued deregulation of Wall Street, thanks to the continued gutting of working- and middle-class people, we need stronger champions.
―Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Some of us would like to think all liberals are airheads but it cannot be true based on the law of averages alone. So then, higher-ups in the Democrat National Committee (DNC) and elite liberal supporters must know what their new darling sounds like. Should we ask how she rose to her current position? Based on loose New York voting standards and DNC political and voting stratagems, it seems shamelessly unnecessary. Consequently, Alexandria puts the party in a position similar to George. Democrats have no choice but to continue more elaborate party-altering lies against the facts of reality to cover for the first lie. Rather than do the right thing when the opportunity was there and bite the bullet, Democrats would rather double-down on bizarro world.
Recently, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went on tour to campaign or stay relevant or obey puppet master orders. In any event, what we saw and heard from them was uncut, unfiltered, without their many handlers, advisors, and speech writers. And, what we saw and heard was not good. Obama treats Democrat supporters like morons by attempting to claim credit for Trump's booming economy. Videos of Obama exclaiming Trump producing no "magic wand" to bring jobs back to America are now infamous and hilarious. Hillary was even worse idolizing her sexual predator impeached and disbarred husband while later disparaging African-Americans in a clearly racist tone.
Without liberal mainstream media help and protection, liberal leaders operate without a mask or safety net. Liberal supporters and their children raised on progressive ideology of the politically-correct do not hurt feelings of others and everyone gets a star or participation trophy because everyone is super special, have had their ability to cope or self-examine retarded. Meeting failure and ridicule can easily snap fragile minds like a popsicle stick. Such children are never or rarely able to experience life without a safety net. Their cultural malady answers questions not asked. What happens when pretense becomes nourishment?
Children of the liberal are "potentially dangerous" when greeted by the cold hand of reality and we unfortunately see this acted out in response to the unpretentious Trump and in most all school massacres in general. Most all such shootings are done by liberals. We should not be surprised by the escalating of violence by liberals but then this angle does stray from the subject matter here a bit. Laughter brings us here to the doorstep of progressive liberals.
Alyssa Milano and Barbara Streisand probably have no
real peers or people who genuinely care for them offering views that differ from their wishful narratives. If Alyssa has a bad idea for a Netflix script, sycophants would rather call her a genius than give her the truth and so the public has sensibilities assaulted by the likes of "Insatiable", an incredible Netflix bomb. Apparently, critics were lining up to trash the epic cable TV movie.
Netflix’s #Insatiable isn't as bad as you've heard. It’s actually worse, in ways that you can’t even anticipate. -NY Magazine
Barbara Streisand can afford the best psycho-therapy in the
world yet cannot move on with her life in the Trump era according to her well-publicized tweets. One wonders if she does indeed have a high-priced fancy safe spaces therapist who actually encouraged her to use her angst for Trump creatively in music like her new album release, "Walls". Such astounding quackery needs desperately to be exposed. Why does the name itself seem to induce a giggle? Martha Stewart might call that giggle a 'good thing'. One hopes Bab's intentions are to make us smile. However, reviewers say otherwise and are greeting the "propaganda" album with stale reviews often going out of their way to be gentle with the grand Diva. Not so with The National Review, Armond White called it "her unfortunate album" saying it was "tone-deaf, self-absorbed, and out of touch."
Psychologists acknowledge several different "defense mechanisms" used by humans to cope with a stressful existence. According to Psyche.central.com, people use defense mechanisms "to distance themselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and behaviors." One such defense mechanism is, projection.
Sarah Silverman thinks conservative women are too far gone? We must hope she is not projecting. One wonders how Sarah would explain the group of liberal women who got together recently to protest against Trump by screaming through their vaginas? I should love to see her explain naked "grab them by the ballot" women. Are they out of touch, too far gone from reality to know that such an event was unseemly and just a bad idea? The list of liberal women and questionable behavior as political activism is much too long to entertain here. Someone count the bizarre public activist episodes by conservative women and get back to me. Miss Silverman would have a difficult time explaining rationally her tweets and especially her recent revelations on Louis C.K. let alone other bizarre behavior of liberal women .
America rightly has difficulty taking any comedian suddenly turned political activist seriously. However, there is some precedence for liberal comedians becoming politicians in Saturday Night Live alum, Al Franken. Still, he was never a very good Senator or comedian for that matter. And, of course he did resign in disgrace under sexual harassment complaints so perhaps we need another example. Perhaps Sarah is being pushed by well-meaning sheep to run for public office or otherwise use her celebrity status to push for socio-political justice. Pressure is well known to create diamonds or crushed souls scattered on wayward roads trampled under foot of those they would idolize. Nevertheless, how could we ever take Sarah seriously after the infamous "military" tweet? More importantly, how does Sarah Silverman have the audacity to ask us to take her seriously?
The same question is asked of an endless list of celebrities from every genre resisting a prosperous safe future. Do they not have someone close posing devil's advocate questions? Does stardom often kill that little voice inside the brain telling celebrities not to eat that second donut or make frenzied late-nite tweets?
Protesting Trump before the election we get. Two years into Trump America and what bizarro liberal celebrities protest against now is record unemployment, record DOW and other economic barometers, soaring consumer confidence, safe borders, and stunning peace talks and actions between North and South Korea. Trump quietly has hired more women than any other president and lets freedom ring with tear-jerking pardons.
President Donald Trump wins votes from women across a broad spectrum of social and political classes. He even gets votes from ex-liberals as they #WalkAway from the political party creating a bizarro world where nonsensical is the new brilliant. Perhaps liberals are not understanding love. They cannot grasp why Trump is loved so unfailingly and it vexes them to hysteria forcing outlandish behavior and comments. How can Trump be loved so intensely by so many Americans when mainstream media says otherwise?
Why Trump is loved dearly has surely been explained somewhere here in this interconnected spider web of related blogs a time or two. Certifiable Trump haters out of touch with facts of reality simply wish not to hear the truth.
If some liberals are too far gone like Costanza on an improbable roadtrip to an imaginary cabin in the Hamptons, what can we expect next in the real world? If only Trump haters were all as funny as the summer of George, what a world it would be!
Recently, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went on tour to campaign or stay relevant or obey puppet master orders. In any event, what we saw and heard from them was uncut, unfiltered, without their many handlers, advisors, and speech writers. And, what we saw and heard was not good. Obama treats Democrat supporters like morons by attempting to claim credit for Trump's booming economy. Videos of Obama exclaiming Trump producing no "magic wand" to bring jobs back to America are now infamous and hilarious. Hillary was even worse idolizing her sexual predator impeached and disbarred husband while later disparaging African-Americans in a clearly racist tone.
Without liberal mainstream media help and protection, liberal leaders operate without a mask or safety net. Liberal supporters and their children raised on progressive ideology of the politically-correct do not hurt feelings of others and everyone gets a star or participation trophy because everyone is super special, have had their ability to cope or self-examine retarded. Meeting failure and ridicule can easily snap fragile minds like a popsicle stick. Such children are never or rarely able to experience life without a safety net. Their cultural malady answers questions not asked. What happens when pretense becomes nourishment?
“It has never been shown that “high self-esteem” is a good trait for students to possess. Meanwhile, researchers have uncovered a worrisome correlation between inflated self-esteem and juvenile delinquency. As Brad Bushman, an Iowa State University psychologist, explains, “If kids develop unrealistic opinions of themselves and those views are rejected by others, the kids are potentially dangerous.”
―Christina Hoff Sommers, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men
Children of the liberal are "potentially dangerous" when greeted by the cold hand of reality and we unfortunately see this acted out in response to the unpretentious Trump and in most all school massacres in general. Most all such shootings are done by liberals. We should not be surprised by the escalating of violence by liberals but then this angle does stray from the subject matter here a bit. Laughter brings us here to the doorstep of progressive liberals.
Alyssa Milano and Barbara Streisand probably have no
Netflix’s #Insatiable isn't as bad as you've heard. It’s actually worse, in ways that you can’t even anticipate. -NY Magazine
Barbara Streisand can afford the best psycho-therapy in the
world yet cannot move on with her life in the Trump era according to her well-publicized tweets. One wonders if she does indeed have a high-priced fancy safe spaces therapist who actually encouraged her to use her angst for Trump creatively in music like her new album release, "Walls". Such astounding quackery needs desperately to be exposed. Why does the name itself seem to induce a giggle? Martha Stewart might call that giggle a 'good thing'. One hopes Bab's intentions are to make us smile. However, reviewers say otherwise and are greeting the "propaganda" album with stale reviews often going out of their way to be gentle with the grand Diva. Not so with The National Review, Armond White called it "her unfortunate album" saying it was "tone-deaf, self-absorbed, and out of touch."
Psychologists acknowledge several different "defense mechanisms" used by humans to cope with a stressful existence. According to Psyche.central.com, people use defense mechanisms "to distance themselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and behaviors." One such defense mechanism is, projection.
Projection is the misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses. Projection is used especially when the thoughts are considered unacceptable for the person to express, or they feel completely ill at ease with having them.
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I Love You America - Sarah Silverman on Hulu |
America rightly has difficulty taking any comedian suddenly turned political activist seriously. However, there is some precedence for liberal comedians becoming politicians in Saturday Night Live alum, Al Franken. Still, he was never a very good Senator or comedian for that matter. And, of course he did resign in disgrace under sexual harassment complaints so perhaps we need another example. Perhaps Sarah is being pushed by well-meaning sheep to run for public office or otherwise use her celebrity status to push for socio-political justice. Pressure is well known to create diamonds or crushed souls scattered on wayward roads trampled under foot of those they would idolize. Nevertheless, how could we ever take Sarah seriously after the infamous "military" tweet? More importantly, how does Sarah Silverman have the audacity to ask us to take her seriously?
The same question is asked of an endless list of celebrities from every genre resisting a prosperous safe future. Do they not have someone close posing devil's advocate questions? Does stardom often kill that little voice inside the brain telling celebrities not to eat that second donut or make frenzied late-nite tweets?
Protesting Trump before the election we get. Two years into Trump America and what bizarro liberal celebrities protest against now is record unemployment, record DOW and other economic barometers, soaring consumer confidence, safe borders, and stunning peace talks and actions between North and South Korea. Trump quietly has hired more women than any other president and lets freedom ring with tear-jerking pardons.
President Donald Trump wins votes from women across a broad spectrum of social and political classes. He even gets votes from ex-liberals as they #WalkAway from the political party creating a bizarro world where nonsensical is the new brilliant. Perhaps liberals are not understanding love. They cannot grasp why Trump is loved so unfailingly and it vexes them to hysteria forcing outlandish behavior and comments. How can Trump be loved so intensely by so many Americans when mainstream media says otherwise?
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Fans cheer President Trump Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Photo: Victor J. Blue/Bloomber |
Why Trump is loved dearly has surely been explained somewhere here in this interconnected spider web of related blogs a time or two. Certifiable Trump haters out of touch with facts of reality simply wish not to hear the truth.
If some liberals are too far gone like Costanza on an improbable roadtrip to an imaginary cabin in the Hamptons, what can we expect next in the real world? If only Trump haters were all as funny as the summer of George, what a world it would be!
What we had was an existential threat in the context of a war. We had a direct existential threat with another nation, this time it was Nazi Germany, and the Axis, who explicitly made the United States as an enemy, as an enemy. And what we did was that we chose to mobilize our entire economy and industrialized our entire economy and we put hundreds if not millions of people to work in defending our shores and defending this country. We have to do the same thing in order to get us to 100 percent renewable energy, and that’s just the truth of it.
―Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“Those that don't got it, can't show it. Those that got it, can't hide it.”
― Zora Neale Hurston
Ocasio-Cortez: I'm upset at Trump's Disrespect
7 Staggering Quotes Made by Progressive Democrats New Star
Sarah Silverman Says White Women Who Voted for Trump are 'Too Far Gone'
Barbara Streisand's Propaganda Walls Tumble Down
Out of Shape Women Strip Naked to Encourage Anti-Trump Vote ...
Science says liberals, not conservatives are psychotic
Trump is more popular than Dems want to admit
Bombs Away! MSM reviewers are Trashing Alyssa Milano's "Insatiable"
Top Six Creepiest Liberal Episodes (so far 2018)
“That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretence. It's true, we're locked in an image, an act - and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it, they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession.”
― Jim Morrison