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Ayn Rand, Author/Philosopher 1905-1982 |
Ayn Rand was a Russian-American writer and philosopher. She is known for her two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and for developing a philosophical system she named Objectivism. -Wikipedia
Why is Ayn Rand despised by the liberal left? We know President Donald Trump admires the writings of Miss Rand along with several of his cabinet members. Given the blind hatred of Rand by a preponderance of liberals, one now can see why liberals are so enraged to have Trump as president. It makes sense only in regard to hate and guilt by association. Specific hatred for Ayn Rand and her philosophy remains a mystery other than naked envy and fear. Why does the criminal hate police? Motivation powering Rand haters though difficult to accept at first, appears simple and obvious.
As Salmieri notes in his response, throughout her piece Cleary takes it for granted that Rand’s views are wrong and expects that refuting them should be straightforward. Notably, she never offers any attempted refutations of Rand’s actual positions. Perhaps she could have if the piece had been longer. But even still, what does it imply to presume that one’s audience doesn’t even need to be given an indication as to what the flaws in an entire system of philosophy might be?
-Ben Bayer, The New Ideal
Answering the above question; it denotes that embracing ignorance as a value leads to ignorance as philosophy and inevitable psychosis that can manifest as several psychological illnesses including Trump Derangement Syndrome. Liberal ideology is without solid foundation.
The most notable critics of Miss Rand and her Objectivist philosophy are linguist and author, Noam Chomsky and ex-president Barack Hussein Obama. To repeat their critiques here would give them credibility and they have none. Writers more learned than a poet have taken them apart. Also, their indefensible unsupported opinions die on their face. When one recalls their infamous criticisms of Rand and given their status as liberal heroes, the unhinged rage against Trump carries a familiar ring.
One does wonder why and how criticisms from Chomsky were ever taken seriously given his accomplishments in comparison to Rand. Wikipedia may list him as philosopher but his body of writings do not support the claim. His field of study and professional merit appears closer to science than humanities, a language scientist. Chomsky also made bizarre comments on pornography as if he were a leading researcher or writer in the pornography or sex field. Respecting a critique from Chomsky on Rand is like asking for and respecting sexual advice from a Puritan.
Obama accomplished a vaunted law degree from Harvard yet was never actually able to get a job as lawyer. Although he became a law professor at the University of Chicago, there were no great books or grand achievements during that time. Mark Twain told us most all we need to know about Congress. That Obama was able to become a Congressman is truly no great achievement even before America discovered Project Veritas. During his time in Congress he recorded no great achievement. So then, how could Obama have a respected opinion on Ayn Rand, a prolific beloved author and philosopher who has works translated in over a dozen nations? Why would anyone respect the opinion of Obama on anything other than perhaps law? As he never worked as a lawyer, even that might be a stretch. Therefore, what can Obama speak on with expertise and credibility? Creating content for Netflix? Race relations? Gender-neutral restrooms? What?
There really are people and institutions made up of people, who respond with hatred in the presence of goodness and would destroy the good insofar as it is in their power to do so. They do this not with conscious malice but blindly, lacking awareness of their own evil — indeed, seeking to avoid any such awareness. As has been described of the devil in religious literature, they hate the light and instinctively will do anything to avoid it including attempting to extinguish it. They will destroy the light in their own children and in all other beings subject to their power.
-M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled
An obscure Chomsky continues to battle dementia as Obama fights to preserve a life of pretense built on false self-esteem and corruption. If Chomsky and Obama are the best critics of Ayn Rand, what can one expect from their foot soldiers who lack lofty college degrees? Why are we surprised at Trump haters wailing into the night sky one year after his inauguration or any of their bizarre public tantrums disguised as protests? Invectives, personal attacks, and parroted outlandish opinions replace reason in liberal reality. While hurting their feelings gives them reason to censor your free speech.
My introduction to Ayn Rand was over 30 years ago and I have yet to hear or read a lucid objective and supported criticism of her work. I stopped looking for clarity from Rand haters long ago. Still, it is a bit gratifying to know all the many deranged haters from the left that I have run into over the years are now having philosophical indigestion under Trump for the next six years. And, it will only get worse for liberals as America thrives. An enlightenment event brought rebirth and I now walk a spiritual path. Delighting in suffering of others should be beneath one who communes with hummingbirds. It is quite possible that I am the first of my kind, an Objectivist embracing spirituality. I shall not be the last. Nevertheless, nobody is perfect. Perfection is rather a destination. Ayn Rand provides the best launching pad to destination utopia.Ayn Rand... Why Progressives Hate Her and How Conervatives Intentionally Misrepresent and Use Her
Donald Trump, Paul Ryan and Andy Puzder say they love Ayn Rand's ...
The Atlas Society
Atlas Shrugged Movie
Mark Twain Quotes